As Aden Appraisal

With our experience in the real estate sector; we provide world-class independent, impartial, scientific services in valuation, consultancy, best use survey project valuation, market researc

What is Real Estate Feasibility Report? Why is it Necessary?

In general terms, real estate feasibility report needed in real estate buying, selling and gayrimenkul değerleme is the collection of real estate appraisal report services and zoning status report services on a single report. All data of the real estate to which it belongs can be evaluated through this report.

The feasibility report to be prepared is applicable for all real estate types such as residence, land, workplace, factory, field, commercial building/buildings, warehouse, hotel, fuel station. Thanks to this report, it is possible to easily learn the current value of your real estate in question, what kind of change in value it will experience in certain periods during the process, the zoning status in its current situation and whether there are new zoning plans in the region where this real estate is located.

Individuals and organizations involved as investors in the real estate world have to take some risks at the point of return of the material elements they donate during these investment processes. Before calculating the return on any investment, hypothetical assumptions are made. This is because the investor decides whether to take part in a project based on these assumptions. Accordingly, real estate feasibility report studies are very important.

In line with this information, in order for a real estate to be feasible for investment, it must be physically available, financially viable, have a legally permissible project and must be a project that maximum efficiency can be obtained.

What are the Stages of the Feasibility Report?

  • Both the weak and strong aspects of the region where the real estate will be located are determined by analysis.
  • What are the needs in the region are determined.
  • The characteristics of the region structure are determined.
  • Potential investments to be made in the region in question in the short and long term are determined and what kind of effects they will bring is also ascertained
  • It is detected how the project will be evaluated in the most efficient way.
  • The zoning status of the project and the renovation requirements to be included in this plan are determined.
  • According to the zoning status determined for the project, a project is developed on the zoned parcel and a cost analysis of this project is made.
  • All data is converted into a project according to a certain time interval, creating an estimate of what the investment value will be, and the real estate feasibility report application is completed.
What is Real Estate Feasibility Report? Why is it Necessary?
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